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1. Out of memory - .
2. Identifier expected - .
3. Unknown identifier - . .
4. Duplicate identifier - .
5. Syntax error - .
6. Error in real constant - .
7. Error in integer constant - .
8. String constant exceeds line - . , ,
10. Unexpected end of file - . :
  • end;
  • .

11 Line too long - . - 126 .
12. Type identifier expected - .
14. Invalid file name - .
15. File not found - .
16. Disk full - .
17. Invalid compiler directive - .
20. Variable identifier expected - .
21. Error in type - .
22. Structure too large - (, ). 65520 .
23. Set base type out of range - . 255.
24. File components may not be files or objects - .
25. Invalid string length - . 255 .
26. Type mismatch - . :
  • ;
  • ;
  • . ;
  • .

29. Ordinal type expected - .
30. Integer constant expected - .
31. Constant expected - .
34. Invalid function result type - .
36. Begin expected - Begin
37. END expected - END.
42. Error in expression - .
43. Illegal assignment -
44. Field identifier expected - He eaop o a.
50. DO expected - DO
54. OF expected - OF
57. THEN expected - THEN
58. TO or DOWNTO expected - TO DOWNTO
59.Undefined forward - Heopeeeoe .
60. Too many procedures - () . 512 .
62. Division by zero - .
63. 1nvalid file type - .
64. Cannot read or write variables of this type - He :
  • Read Readln , , ;
  • Write Writeln , , , .

66. String variable expected - Ha cpooa epeea.
67. String expression expected - , .
69. Unit name mismatch - .
71. Internal stack overflow - .
74. Constant and case tpes do not match - T CASE .
75. Record or obiect vaiable expected - Ha .
76. Constant out of range - .
77. File variable expected - Ha .
79. Integer or real expression expected - Ho real Integer.
85. ";" expected - ";".
86. ":" expected - ":".
87. "(" expected - "(".
88. ")" expected - ")".
89. "=" expected - "=".
90. "=" expected - ":=".
91. ":=" expected - ":=".
92. "[" expected - "[".
93. "]" expected - "]".
94. "." expected - ".".
95. ".." expected - "..".
96. Too many variables - ; ( 64 ).
97. Invalid FOR control variable - FOR.
98. 1nteger variable expected - Ha .
99. Files and procedure types are not allowed here - .
100. String length mismatch - .
101. Invalid ordering of fields - .
102. String constant expected - .
108. Overflow in arithmetic operation - .
111. User break - Ctrl + Break.
112. CASE constant out of range - ocaa CASE apae ocepa. Case 32768 : 32767.
113. Error in statement - .
122. Invalid variable reference - .
123. Too man smbols - Co oo coo popae (a O oee 64Ka).
124. Statement part too large - ( 24 ).
126. Files must be var parameters - - .
131. Header does not match previous definition - .
132. Disk eror - Kpeca : " ".
133. Cannot evaluate this expession - He c aoe .
137. Structured variables are not allowed here - (, ).
140. Invalid floating point operation - :.
143. Invalid procedure or function reference - .
146. File access denied - .


, -
I IOresult.
2. File not found - aeae.
3. Path not found - .
5. File access denied - Heooe oc a.
15. Invalid drive nomber - 0oe oep cooa
16. Cannot remove current directory - .
17. Cannot rename across drives - .
100. Disk read error - Oa e : .
101. Disk write error - : .
102. File not assigned - assign.
103. File not open - .
104. File not Open for input - .
105. File not Open for output - .
106. Invalid numeric format - Ooo apeecoe a oa.
150. Disk is write - protected - .
151. Bad drive request struct length - .
152. Drive not read - cp .

200. Division by zero - .
201. Range check error - , ( ).
202. Stack overflow error - .
205. Floating point Overflow - .
207. Invalid floating point operation - : SQRT LN.
215. Arithmetic overflow error - ' .

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