Добро пожаловать,
Дата: 26.03.2025
Категория: PHP
вы можете воспользоваться нашим примером, в котором реализована отправка писем с использованием smtp-сервера, для которого требуется авторизация. Поэтому не забудьте добавить в скрипт соответствующие реквизиты доступа
, например:
PHP - Код
function authSendEmail ( $from , $namefrom , $to , $nameto ,
$subject , $message )
$smtpServer = "smtp.domain.tld" ;
$port = "25" ;
$timeout = "30" ;
$username = "postmaster@domain.tld" ;
$password = "YouPassword" ;
$localhost = "localhost" ;
$newLine = "\r\n" ;
//Connect to the host on the specified port
$smtpConnect = fsockopen ( $smtpServer , $port , $errno ,
$errstr , $timeout );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
if(empty( $smtpConnect ))
$output = "Failed to connect: $smtpResponse " ;
return $output ;
$logArray [ 'connection' ] = "Connected: $smtpResponse " ;
//Request Auth Login
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "AUTH LOGIN" . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'authrequest' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//Send username
fputs ( $smtpConnect , base64_encode ( $username ) . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'authusername' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//Send password
fputs ( $smtpConnect , base64_encode ( $password ) . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'authpassword' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//Say Hello to SMTP
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "HELO $localhost " . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'heloresponse' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//Email From
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "MAIL FROM: $from " . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'mailfromresponse' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//Email To
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "RCPT TO: $to " . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'mailtoresponse' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//The Email
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "DATA" . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'data1response' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//Construct Headers
$headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0" . $newLine ;
$headers .= "Content-type: text/html;
charset=windows-1251" . $newLine ;
$headers .= "To: $nameto < $to >" . $newLine ;
$headers .= "From: $namefrom < $from >" . $newLine ;
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "To: $to \nFrom: $from \nSubject:
$subject \n $headers \n\n $message \n.\n" );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'data2response' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
// Say Bye to SMTP
fputs ( $smtpConnect , "QUIT" . $newLine );
$smtpResponse = fgets ( $smtpConnect , 515 );
$logArray [ 'quitresponse' ] = " $smtpResponse " ;
//new function
$to = "postmaster@domain.tld" ;
$nameto = "Demo User" ;
$from = "postmaster@domain.tld" ;
$namefrom = "Postmaster" ;
$subject = "Hello World Again!" ;
$message = "World, Hello!" ;
authSendEmail ( $from , $namefrom , $to , $nameto ,
$subject , $message );
Внимание! Если у вас не получилось найти нужную информацию, используйте
рубрикатор или воспользуйтесь
поиском .
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